Gentrifi GPS

Critical Event Cloud Dashcam

Know What Happens In All Incidents

Gentrifi’s critical event cloud camera records an event before, during, and after an accident. With the click of a button, you will have footage in the cloud at your disposal. This tamper-resistant dash camera allows you to customize alerts and triggers to fit your exact needs.

How the Cloud Camera Works

cloud camera event recording

Gentrifi’s cloud camera automatically records a set period of time before, during, and after a triggered event.

When a triggered event occurs, the Cloud Camera will record 10-20 seconds before the event, during the event, and 10-20 seconds after the event. Once recorded, the video clip will be available on Gentrifi’s application for fleet managers to view.

  • Capture all incidents with front, and optional driver, rear, and side camera
  • Mitigate risks with proof at the click of a button
  • Ensure you have safe drivers in your crew
live streaming dash cam on web app

Access Live HD Video

Easily view live footage of your vehicles on our web-based tracking application. Get visibility into how your drivers behave with real-time video of active devices.

Simplify driver checkups with our accessible live video. You can easily ensure your drivers follow the laws and drive properly.

Instant Event Alerts

Gain important insight into driver behavior with critical event alerts. You’ll receive a notification via text or email when a critical event is triggered.

With real-time reporting, you will be notified of:

  • Sharp Turns
  • Harsh Braking
  • Speeding
  • Shock
  • Severe Shock
  • Ignition On/Off

By having this critical visibility into driver performance, you can incentivize drivers for good behavior and coach drivers with poor behavior

real time driver monitoring and alerts on mobile
live streaming dash cam on web app

Get Critical Event Reports

See how your drivers are behaving at the click of a button. Quickly view what critical events have been triggered.

Easily click on a critical event to see video footage of the triggered event. You will instantly have a better understanding of your driver’s behavior. For poor driver behavior, simply assign it as “Coach.” You will be empowered to run your fleet efficiently without it being a burden.

Real-Time GPS Tracking

Know where your vehicles are at all times. Gentrifi’s tracking solution lets you view your vehicles’ locations and status.

We give you the power to manage your fleet easily with intuitive Google Maps software. Enhance your fleet management and secure your vehicles.

live gps tracking with dash cam

Driver Facing Camera

Get video evidence at your fingertips. False claims, conflicting reports, and staged accidents cause fleets to lose money annually.

When an incident occurs, this camera will be triggered and will record what occurs during the event. You will know what your driver was doing during an incident. Get the proof you need to save your business time and money.

Why do you need a CEV Camera?

Research has shown that camera systems in your vehicles improve driver performance, reduce safety-related events, and save your company 20-30% on insurance claims and premiums.

With up to 8 different camera views, you will have a solution that provides a safety net against false claims, liability, lawsuits, and law enforcement issues.

Average cost of a car accident: $820

Number of car fatalities per year: 36, 120

Average number of accidents per day: 16,438

Protect Your Company From


Conflicting Reports of Actual Events





With cloud-based memory storage, you will receive footage in real time. See critical events as they take place and view your driver’s location.

The CEV is a forward facing camera with an optional driver, side, and rear facing cameras.

Receive Critical Event reporting for

  • Speed
  • Braking
  • Acceleration
  • Steering

Receive notifications via SMS or email when a critical event is recorded.

The CEV comes with secure, tamper resistant design with a built-in lock to prevent losing footage and theft.

GPS data records continuously to provide location data, vehicle speed, and accurate time/date. Google Maps integration add route-tracking capabilities.

A built-in microphone allows the camera to record audio in all footage.

Built-in speakers provide audible alerts for your drivers.

Request HD video on demand from anywhere. Built-in LTE capability allows for saving of videos in the cloud in real time after an accident.