Gentrifi GPS

G Cam T3 Dash Camera

This heavy-duty SD card camera is a 3-Channel Camera providing full visibility for your fleet. Best suited for a smaller fleet this camera features 2K HD resolution, GPS tracking, and a built-in G-senor.

waterproof external dash cameras

2 External Cameras

The G Cam T3 comes with 2 external cameras. Both cameras are weatherproof and can be configured however you like it. The cameras can be placed on either side of the vehicle, or you can opt to have one function as a rear-facing camera and the other as a side-facing camera. Whatever configuration you choose you can be sure that the IP69K cameras are built to last and withstand tough conditions. The G Cam T3 is give you 3 functioning cameras as an amazing price.

SD card security lock dash cam

Device Features

  • 30 FPS
  • Wifi Dongle
  • GPS Included
  • Parking Mode
  • 2K HD Resolution 
  • Ultra Night Vision
  • Full CMOS Sensor
  • 128GB Micro SD Card
  • SD Card Security Lock
  • H.265 Video Compression
  • 2 External Weatherproof Cameras
  • Android/iOS App + Desktop Viewer
  • Built-in G-Sensor for Event Recording