
Gentrifi GPS

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Omnitracs Roadnet Telematics

Omnitracs Roadnet Telematics is a fleet management solution that goes beyond tracking. With Omnitracs RNT you can see and plan every route, and stop for your vehicles, evaluate the status of your vehicle, and review events that occur throughout trips. Gathering metrics on your vehicles will give you the tools you need to identify weak points and react proactively.

All-In-One Dashboard

From your dashboard,  access every stop, route, and event your fleet encounters. In the dashboard, you can request maintenance, track live orders, access driver scorecards and much more. By monitoring your company’s metrics you can identify and correct issues with drivers, eliminate excess costs and improve overall business functionality.  


Roadmap View Of Dispatched Fleet

The live map displays where all dispatched trucks are in your fleet. Click on the truck icon to see details about that particular drive, such as any events that occur, and status of the truck.

Monitor Metrics

Our telematics solution uses GPS tracking data to provide stop status, actual vs. planned route comparisons, missed time windows, and much more - all in easy-to-digest reports.

Get Visibility With Driver Scorecards

Choose the metrics you care about, such as planned vs. actual route performance. Our software will show you how your drivers stack up, so you can incentivize the best and coach the rest.

Real-Time Vehicle Tracking

Know where your vehicles are at all times - increasing driver accountability and eliminating the need to call drivers for status updates.

Keep Fuel Costs & Idle Time Down

Gain insight into fuel expenses and driver behavior. Ensure your drivers are not wasting fuel through needless idling, excessive speeding, or going off route.

Tracking At Any Time

See How Omnitracs RNT Can Be Used In Your Business


